The Role of Laparoscopy or Hysteroscopy in Fertility Treatment

Infertility- the inability to become pregnant naturally is a common disease of today which affects nearly 10% of women of the world at reproductive age. The definition of infertility according to doctors is ” not getting pregnant even after 12 months of regular and unprotected intercourse”.

Types of Infertility :

There are two types of infertility. Primary when someone will never get pregnant and Secondary infertility is when one person conceived before but never after. Infertility can happen to a Husband or wife who fits the infertility definition.

Your gynecologist may ask you about your intercourse habits to make some recommendations before suggesting tests to find the cause of infertility but these tests are not accurate to 100 %.

In Female infertility diagnosis,the best feritility hospital confirms that  laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy both are important diagnostic techniques that help in treating infertility and also some abnormalities in ovaries.

Let’s get to know the role of Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy in  Female Infertility Diagnosis.

What is Laparoscopy ?

Laparoscopy is a modern surgical diagnostic technique that allows to actuation of the organs within the abdomen. It is associated with several merits over traditional open surgery. Laparoscopy is both diagnostic in nature as well as therapeutic.

The Procedure  :

Laparoscopy is done with a thin and flexible tube that has a  camera at the end.  This will be inserted into the patient’s abdomen and pelvis which allows the gynecologist to look at the fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries.

In this procedure, the surgeon makes small incisions up to 1.5 cm in length in the abdomen, usually around the navel area. Although performing a Laparoscopic treatment, a minute incision of 0.5 to 0.6 inches is kept around the navel. A  thin tube will be inserted into the cut made in the abdomen and CO2 gas will be sent inside the abdomen. When CO2 bloats the abdomen area, the doctor can diagnose the target with more working space inside. The laparoscope is then sent via the tube, it captures the real-time image of the affected area and displays it on the monitor.

What can be diagnosed?

Laparoscopy can reveal scarring signs of endometriosis, and some irregularities in the uterus and fallopian tubes. Laparoscopic treatments are routinely performed with very high success rates.

What is Hysteroscopy?

Hyster means uterus and hysteroscopy is a technology that helps to investigate the internal uterus and afterwards diagnose the problem and perform treatment of abnormal bleeding.

The procedure :

Hysteroscopy is done by using a hysteroscope, It is a thin, light tube that is entered into the vagina to discover the cervix and within the uterus. A hysteroscopy is a fancy tool that the surgeon will use to look inside my uterus. This tool will insert through the dilated cervix to visualize the polyp and any other uterine abnormalities.

What can be diagnosed?

Hysteroscope is used to diagnose abnormal bleeding and also fibroids inside the uterus.

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy :

This kind of hysteroscopy procedure allows the doctors to look at the uterine cavity directly as well as endometrial mucus and the pelvic canal.

Surgical Hysteroscopy :

Whatever anomalies are found in diagnostic hysteroscopy, will be treated in surgical hysteroscopy. This procedure allows for the treatment of the resection of submucous myomas and polyps and septa and adhesions.

Laparoscopy Vs Hysteroscopy :

Both are minimally invasive diagnostic procedures with the use of a camera to treat infertility medical conditions. The main difference between both is Hysteroscopy does not need cuts because it will be inserted through the Vagina whereas laparoscopy requires a small cut in your abdomen.

For some specific female infertility conditions, the gynecologist can decide to go with Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy.

Laparoscopy in treating blocked Fallopian Tube – Hydrosalpinx

Hydrosalpinx refers to the liquid accumulation in one or both fallopian tubes that create a blockage. Healthy fallopian tubes are important as they are the passage for the union of egg and sperm.

If the gynecologists doubt for Hyrdosalpinx, first the patient will undergo the ultrasound then the Hysterosalpingogram and finally to confirm the results of the Hysterosalpingogram, the patient has to undergo Laparoscopy. It helps to take a closer look at your fallopian tubes than the earlier two.

Proper treatment for hydrosalpinx will improve the chances of becoming pregnant.

Hysteroscopy and IVF.

Hysteroscopy is a vital part of the IVF process as hysteroscopy will allow the gynecologist in best IVF centre in Kerala  to ensure that the uterus is healthy enough for the IVF process.

If any polyps and fibroids are found in the hysteroscopy, the doctor may recommend you wait before starting an IVF cycle.

Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy are both diagnostic tools that are highly beneficial in the process of receiving the most precious gift of your life called Motherhood.