IVF Couples

Tips for Couples undergoing IVF Treatment

Parenthood is indeed a matter of great joy for all couples. But the journey is not smooth for all. While for some, trying to have a baby may be a matter of a few months, for others, it can take many years. When couples fail to conceive naturally, they often turn to treatments like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).  

The process of IVF is, however, quite overwhelming and almost every aspect of a couple’s life is affected by it.

The procedure involved in each IVF cycle is an invasive and all-encompassing method of conceiving a child. Each cycle requires daily injections, weekly blood tests, frequent ultrasounds, visits to the fertility specialist, and generally, takes about two weeks. The financial, physical, and emotional health of the couples may be affected on account of this.

The tough journey of IVF can be made smooth if there is a friend or loved one by your side. Couples must also support one another throughout the treatment, and nurture their relationship. Self-care can be a great way to cope with what can be an emotionally draining experience.

Here are some tips for couples undergoing IVF treatment:

Have a healthy diet

Focus on having a healthy, well-balanced diet during an IVF cycle. Avoid making any major or significant changes during this time, like going gluten-free if you weren’t already. Do not consume sugar, red meat, refined grains, and other highly processed foods. Avoid the intake of caffeine during and after the treatment as it is found to adversely affect the developing foetus.

Take the prescribed supplements

Make it a point to take the medications and health supplements prescribed by your doctor, on time. Certain medications like Vitamin D, and CoQ10 are effective in improving the quality of both sperm and egg. These medicines can also prevent brain and spinal birth defects in the developing foetus.

Get adequate sleep

You should have a normal sleep cycle for at least two weeks before the IVF appointment. Ensure you go to bed early and get eight hours of sleep a day. The melatonin levels in your body can be regulated by sleeping in a dark room. It also improves your physical and emotional well-being.

Quit smoking and consumption of alcohol

The quality of egg and sperm is affected by smoking. Due to smoking, the chances of conception through IVF are drastically brought down. You can take the help of family and friends to get over this habit. Alcohol consumption must also be avoided at all costs as it is severely detrimental to the development of the foetus and can also bring about malformations in it.  

Be supportive

Things may not go as you expected, but this is not the time to blame each other. You and your partner may at times feel out of sync and not feel or want the same thing at the same time. This is the time to be patient and supportive of each other’s feelings. Understand that men and women have different ways to react and cope with stress. So your partner might be doing it differently.

Be a good listener

As such times are challenging and the resources might be getting exhausted, it is better to try to listen and speak about how things are at your spouse’s end. Instead of reacting, trying to fix, or offering advice, give a lending ear. Let them talk about their feelings. Differences can only strain your relationship.

Make an appointment with a therapist

Since IVF takes a great toll on emotional well-being, it is beneficial to seek therapy. Chances of conception are significantly affected by mental health. You must talk to your counselor about your hopes and fears. It will calm your mind. Ensure that you get the support of your spouse, close friends, and family throughout the whole process.

Find ways to reduce stress

Take time out of your treatment and try to have fun with your partner by doing something together or with a few close friends. You can plan to travel to a  favorite destination. To reduce stress, you can practice meditation, yoga, or take a long walk together. Do everything that makes you happy.

Couples need to work together every step of the way as small thoughtful gestures can mean a lot during the stressful journey. Taking good care of your physical and emotional well-being around the IVF treatment can boost your chances of a successful pregnancy.  

Goodwill IVF Treatment Center, the best IVF Treatment Center in Kochi, has successfully fulfilled the parenthood dreams of many couples. The Infertility Treatment Center has the best specialists and staff who take good care of you during each stage of the treatment. We can assist you with a highly experienced team of fertility experts and state-of-the-art technology in your wonderful journey of parenthood.