foods not to eat while pregnant

10 things to not eat while pregnant and why?

When you are pregnant, the needs of your baby come first. Hence, it’s important to steer clear of certain food products during pregnancy considering the health of your little one. Avoiding the food products given below can also protect you from harmful bacteria like Salmonella and listeria that can lead to illness and sometimes miscarriage.

Here are 10 foods that you have to avoid consuming during pregnancy-

Unwashed fruits and vegetables-

Fruits and veggies are definitely part of a balanced pregnancy diet.  We recommend that you wash all fruits and vegetables right before consuming them.  You should keep away from consuming them in places where you are not sure if they are washed or not. When you wash them, they are clear of the bacteria toxoplasmosis that can be seen in the soil from where these fruits and vegetables are derived from.


Refrain from drinking alcohol as exposing your baby to this in the early stages of pregnancy can interfere with the healthy development of the foetus in the womb. In extreme cases, alcohol consumption can lead to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.


Though you may love the grande latte, your baby might not. The caffeine can be absorbed by your baby and since it is a stimulant, it is likely to interfere with your baby`s sleep and movement patterns. It`s advisable to be on the safe side and steer clear of caffeine for a healthy pregnancy.

Raw Eggs

Raw eggs may contain Salmonella bacteria which can make you and your baby sick. However, cooked eggs and products that contain raw eggs which is cooked or baked at some point can be consumed in moderation.

Unpasteurized milk

Unpasteurized milk can contain bacterium Listeria which can cause fever and other flu like symptoms. In most cases, listeriosis can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery or life-threatening infection. You should always consume UHT or pasteurized milk as they are processed at high temperatures to remove all kinds of microorganisms.

Unpasteurized cheeses

For the same reason mentioned above, unpasteurized cheeses like camembert, gorgonzola and Danish blue cheese should be avoided altogether. They are also at higher risk of containing listeria due to their water content which can cause headaches, chills, convulsions and meningitis. This bacteria can affect the baby`s nervous system and severe cases cause miscarriage. It`s always better to be safe than sorry.

Fish with high mercury content

Fish can be an excellent source of lean protein that is essential during pregnancy. Unfortunately much of the fish we consume contain mercury. Mercury is a highly toxic element. When mercury is consumed during pregnancy, it can lead to brain damage and developmental delays in the foetus. We suggest keeping away from king mackerel, swordfish, and shark altogether while limiting the consumption of tin tuna. Fishes like sardines, trout, herring, grey snapper, tilapia, salmon, and anchovies are safe for both mother and baby and are good dietary options. If fish is a big part of your diet, its best to consult your gynec to know what is safe for you and baby.

Raw Meat

Uncooked or undercooked meat is not a good idea even for those who aren’t pregnant.  Raw or undercooked beef, poultry or seafood like sushi can contain harmful bacteria like coliform, toxoplasmosis and salmonella. Such foods can also cause infections like Cysticercosis which can attack the nervous system and hinder the baby`s brain development. It’s best to cook your meat thoroughly before consuming them.

Raw Shellfish

Raw shellfish too contain harmful bacteria that can harm your baby. In fact cooked shell fish still poses a threat as a result of algae- related infections. Shell fish consume algae which can remain in their bodies even after they die. Cooking can remove some of the bacteria but can’t get rid of it completely. We highly recommend that you keep away from mussels, clams and oysters during your entire pregnancy term.

During pregnancy, certain considerations should be taken with regard to diet as certain food items can hinder the healthy development of the baby besides harming your health. Thankfully, there is more you can eat than what you can’t. Foods containing Vitamin C like oranges strawberries and bell peppers, rich in iron like beans, lentils, green leafy vegetables and meat, proficient in calcium like almonds, broccoli and pasteurized dairy products, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids like sardines, salmon and trout with lots of hydration can ensure a healthy pregnancy. You`ll want to keep a close watch on your food and beverages to remain stress-free during pregnancy.

Finding it hard to conceive? We at Goodwill IVF, one of the best IVF centers in Kochi, can assist you in conceiving successfully and also help promote a healthy and happy pregnancy. If you are looking for IVF treatment costs in Kerala, have a look at our website for more details.