Testosterone and Male Fertility

The Truth About Testosterone and Male Fertility

Testosterone is a male sex hormone produced in the male testicles that are required for sperm production. Testosterone can also impact a male’s sense of virility and sexual function.

There are numerous men out there who struggle with low testosterone. When an adult male’s testosterone level falls below the normal range of around 270 to 1070 nanograms per deciliter, he is said to have low testosterone. However, normal testosterone levels can differ from person to person. Both men and women have testosterone, but males have higher amounts. Low testosterone levels also known as hypogonadism can be present during fetal development or become apparent during childhood. It comes with its own set of implications. In adults, it can alter physical characteristics such as decreased hair production and hamper normal reproduction. Low levels of testosterone may result in decreased production of sperm. It is a known fact that it can also impact sex drive and contribute to erectile dysfunction.

Low testosterone’s effect on fertility

Low testosterone does not always lead to infertility. Men with low testosterone levels can still produce healthy sperms because sperm production is controlled by other hormones. Low levels of testosterone can however result in decreased production of sperms.

Low testosterone’s indirect effect on fertility involves reduced sex drive that nulls the desire to get intimate. It can also lead to erectile dysfunction by causing him to have fewer erections.

Causes of low testosterone

The primary cause of low testosterone is age because as men age their levels will eventually drop. This is generally apparent around middle age. Stress, excessive alcohol consumption, marijuana use, chronic opioid use, excess of soy intake, and hormones in food may also affect men’s testosterone levels. This can also be caused by testicular cancer, early or delayed puberty and kidney disease.

some other risk factors include-

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Injury to testicles
  • liver or kidney disease
  • underactive pituitary gland
  • injury or disease of hypothalamus or testicles
  • Cancer treatment like chemotherapy, and radiation

Men can get their testosterone levels tested by a doctor. Usually the test is performed early morning when the levels are at their highest. We highly recommend that the test should be taken twice before opting for any action.

How is low testosterone treated?

The number of men getting treated for low testosterone levels has significantly increased in recent years. Whether or not a man seeks treatment will depend on how low his testosterone level is and the complexity of his symptoms which includes-

  • Reduced sex drive
  • Fewer and weaker erections
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Fatigue and mood swings

However, the good news is that there are plenty of treatments that can help with low testosterone. Always opt for the best infertility hospital before starting treatment. Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, and losing weight may help balance the levels. Complementing a nutritious diet with exercise should also help improve testosterone levels. Men should avoid taking hot tubs and saunas and keep their laptops off their laps. Clinical therapies are available for men who feel as their quality of life is affected by low testosterone levels. The popular TRT involves delivering testosterone to boost levels. Testosterone Replacement Therapy can help get the side effects related to hypogonadism under control. This can be administered in the following ways-

  • Injections in the muscle
  • Gels
  • Patches
  • Oral tablets
  • Nasal sprays
  • Implants placed under the skin

While these treatments are comparatively safe, can improve the quality of life for many men and ease side effects related to low testosterone, note that these treatments are not everyone’s cup of tea. TRT can lower sperm production as it lowers FSH levels which is responsible for stimulation of sperm production.

 Therefore men who want to conceive should not opt for Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Providing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin for men looking forward to remain fertile can actually reap the benefits of a healthy testerone too besides increasing his chances of conception. You can avail the services of Goodwill IVF and Fertility Center which is the best IVF center in Ernakulam for a healthy and happy life.