Positive result of IVF treatment

How to increase your chances of success with IVF treatment

Couples who are not able to conceive naturally, consider In Vitro Fertilization or IVF as one of the options for pregnancy. Women with blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, premature ovarian failure etc. face fertility issues. Men also face fertility problems that are a hindrance in conceiving.

The IVF success rate in Kerala is 30-35%. This means that many couples are not successful in the first attempt and have to try the second time. This journey can be quite trying, emotionally draining, and expensive.

It is important to examine your lifestyle and make necessary changes so as to achieve a successful pregnancy through IVF.

Let’s look at the changes that you can bring about in your lifestyle, in order to increase the success rate of IVF.

Maintain a healthy body weight

It is extremely important to maintain a healthy weight to increase your chances of IVF success. The number of trials is increased if you are obese or underweight, thereby affecting the success rates.

Even if you are overweight, it affects IVF as monitoring the ovaries becomes difficult and chances of complication during egg retrievals increase.

To ensure a higher success rate, monitor your BMI closely and talk to your dietician or nutritionist before your IVF treatment. By changing your diet and activity, you can achieve these goals.

Optimize your sperm health

For improving your sperm quality, you need to use multivitamins, maintain optimal body weight, and use boxers over briefs. To boost sperm numbers and quality, medications can be used, which will have a beneficial impact on the IVF results. You should consult a male fertility specialist for any abnormalities in semen analysis. In some cases, sperm aspirated directly from the testicle over ejaculate can also be used.

Find the right doctor and hospital

Choose an excellent, well-experienced reproductive endocrinologist, who is not only committed to evidence-based medicine but also is someone with whom you can feel comfortable and connected and has a positive reputation. You need someone who will hear you out and support you through this emotional journey. You can seek guidance from your family and friends. Additionally, you should do your research too, regarding the credibility of the hospital. You must look for success rates. The technology and lab apparatus in the hospital also pre-determines your IVF success rate.

Reduce your stress

Natural and assisted conception rates are affected by basal stress levels. It is very hard to reduce stress problems during an IVF stimulation cycle of couples.

Acupuncture and stress-relieving techniques can be used for the improvement of pregnancy outcomes. In order to relieve stress, you must take good care of yourself. Take a proper and balanced diet and have adequate sleep. A sleep of 7-8 hours daily, results in a healthy pregnancy. Throughout the IVF process, making it a point to socialize and have a support network. Practice meditation, journaling, and gratitude to de-stress and unwind. When stress levels are reduced, optimal health for pregnancy is promoted.

Modify your lifestyle

Smoking affects egg and sperm quality. To improve IVF success rates, quit smoking. Reduce alcohol intake during IVF treatment as alcohol reacts with fertility drugs. This will increase your chances of implantation. After embryo transfer, avoid alcohol completely, as it may cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Regular exercise boosts the success rate of IVF. Do not run more than 20 km per week, as it can be stressful on the body and the reproductive system. Do not participate in intense activities as these can boost your cortisol levels, which can reduce your odds of success. You can try light Yoga with stretches.

Include nutritious food in your diet. Unhealthy food adversely affects sperm and egg quality.

Do not indulge in sugary and starchy food. Avoid unprocessed meats, refined grains, canned food, caffeinated drinks, etc. Instead, consume fresh fruits and vegetables. whole grains, mono-saturated fats, lean protein, legumes, and low-fat dairy products.

If you are underweight, you should include food that can help increase your weight naturally and healthily.

Look into taking supplements

Certain supplements help in increasing egg quantity and quality. Some help supports a healthy pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins can be taken 30 days before an IVF cycle, which help boost your folic acid and aid in the proper development of your baby’s spine and nervous system. Vitamin D has a positive impact on IVF success. Iron, Folic acid, Zinc, Calcium, and Omega 3 fatty acids can improve your IVF success rate. Multivitamins are also beneficial.

You must discuss with your doctor and fertility team before taking any supplements. Considering your health condition, they will determine the best for you.

Focus on persistence and patience

You may require more than one cycle of IVF to achieve an embryo for transfer. The results may vary with each cycle. If the first cycle is not successful, your doctor will optimize the second one by adjusting the medications.

You should not be discouraged by setbacks. Instead, believe that things are not in your control. You should, at times, let go so that you can endure your journey. Do not blame yourself when things don’t go well.

Goodwill IVF Treatment Center, the best fertility and IVF hospital for infertility treatment in Kerala, offers the best infertility treatment with an excellent success rate.

At Goodwill IVF treatment center, the fertility team under the guidance of experienced doctors, devises a unique personalized approach for you by combining the existing IVF protocols with your test results, health condition, and history of medical treatment, thus enhancing the chances for implantation. Goodwill also provides the best techniques that boost IVF success rates.

We will support you in your journey towards the realization of your dreams.