How long should I try to conceive before going to the doctor?

If you’re trying to conceive, you might be wondering how long you should try before going to the doctor. While there’s no hard and fast rule, the general consensus is that you should give it one year if you’re under 35, and six months if you’re over 35. Of course, this is just a general guideline, and many factors can affect your fertility. If you’re concerned about your ability to conceive, the best thing to do is talk to your doctor. They can help you figure out what might be going on and what steps you can take to improve your chances of conception.

When to seek medical help for fertility problems

There are many tests and treatments available to help couples who are struggling to conceive. There can be many factors that decide your fertility.

Age and fertility

As you age, your fertility declines. This doesn’t mean that you can’t get pregnant, but it may take longer. If you’re over 35, chances are you won’t conceive within the first three months of trying.

If you’re over 40, it may take six months or longer. In general, if you don’t get pregnant after a year of trying, it’s time to consult a fertility specialist. Your doctor will likely recommend some tests to check for infertility.

Causes of infertility

There are numerous possible causes of infertility, and determining the exact cause can be difficult. However, some of the most common causes of infertility are as follows:

  • Ovulation problems: These are the most common cause of female infertility. Ovulation disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalances, stress, extremes of weight (either too high or too low), and certain medications.
  • Age: Age is a major factor in fertility. As women age, their egg quality declines, which makes it more difficult to conceive.
  • Endometriosis: It is a condition in which uterine tissue grows outside of the uterus. Endometriosis can cause inflammation and scarring, which can make it difficult for eggs to travel through the fallopian tubes and implant in the uterus.
  • Uterine abnormalities: These include conditions such as fibroids or polyps, which can block the fallopian tubes or interfere with implantation.
  • Celiac disease: This is an autoimmune disorder that affects the intestines. Celiac disease can damage the lining of the intestine, making it difficult for nutrients to be absorbed properly. This can lead to hormonal imbalances and other problems that can make conception difficult.

Tests for infertility

Many tests can be performed to determine the cause of infertility.

The initial step is to book an appointment with a fertility specialist. During the consultation, the specialist will take a complete medical history and perform a physical exam. They may also order some diagnostic tests, such as blood work or an ultrasound.

Based on the results of the consultation and diagnostic tests, the fertility specialist will develop a treatment plan. The type of treatment will depend on the underlying cause of infertility. In some cases, medication may be prescribed to improve fertility. In other cases, surgery may be necessary to correct a structural problem.

Treatment for infertility

Your doctor can conduct a variety of tests to determine the cause of your infertility and recommend treatment options. Common causes of infertility include ovulation disorders, fallopian tube damage or blockage, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, low sperm count or motility, and general health conditions like diabetes or obesity. Infertility treatment may include medication, surgery, intrauterine insemination (IUI), or in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

Don’t get discouraged – with today’s medical advancements, there are many effective treatment options available for couples struggling with fertility. With the help of a qualified fertility specialist, you can increase your chances of conceiving and finally achieve your dream of starting a family.

When to give up hope

A fertility specialist can assist in determining the cause and recommending treatment options. It’s important to remember that infertility is not always curable, but there are many ways to treat it. If you are struggling to conceive, don’t lose hope — there is still a chance you will be able to have the family you’ve always wanted.


If you’ve been trying to conceive for more than 12 months (or 6 months if you’re over 35), it’s a good idea to consult with a good fertility specialist. Specialists at the best infertility hospitals can determine the cause of your infertility. They can assist in determining whether any underlying health issues are causing fertility issues and can recommend next steps. Goodwill IVF is one of the best IVF centres in Ernakulam that can alleviate your concerns. Meanwhile, keep having sex without worrying about the timing – every time you have sex, you increase your chances of getting pregnant!