IUI Center & IUI Cost in Kerala

IUI center in Kerala
Goodwill IVF, one of the leading infertility hospitals in Kerala, offers the best IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) treatment with high success rates, thanks to its world-class technology, top-notch clinical protocols, and a highly experienced team of fertility experts.
IUI, an effective fertility treatment for some causes of infertility in women under age 40, is a simple procedure in which sperm is put directly inside your uterus. IUI treatment aims to increase the number of sperm reaching the fallopian tube and improve the chances of fertilization to a great extent, thereby enhancing the likelihood of pregnancy.
IUI treatment is used in conditions like unexplained Infertility, “unreceptive cervical mucus”, ejaculation dysfunction or issues with erection, low sperm count, mild endometriosis, decreased sperm motility, mild male factor infertility, and increased age. It is not effective for couples with tubal blockage or severe tubal damage, ovarian failure (menopause), severe male factor infertility, and severe endometriosis.
The procedure begins with administering medications to stimulate the development of multiple eggs. Your follicular growth is monitored using a transvaginal ultrasound. When the follicular size is above 17 mm and the endometrial thickness is more than 7 mm, hCG injection is given for follicular maturation and rupture. You are called after 36 hours to confirm ovulation. The insemination is timed to coincide with ovulation or the release of the eggs.
A semen specimen is collected from your partner. Through a process called “sperm washing” or “sperm processing”, a concentrated amount of healthy sperm is collected from the semen. Sperm washing takes about 30-60 min. Then, a speculum is placed in the vagina and the cervical area is gently cleaned. With the help of a sterile, flexible catheter, the washed specimen of highly motile sperm is placed higher in the uterine cavity.
If the sperm fertilizes your egg, you get pregnant and the fertilized egg implants in the lining of your uterus.
The success rate of IUI varies from 15% to 20% depending on indications. The rate is better than earlier artificial Insemination techniques.
You may need to move on to IVF management after 3 failed IUIs. IVF should be considered earlier if you are aged 40 or older, or if your ovarian reserve is low. IVF-ICSI is found to have a significantly higher success rate as compared to IUI.
IUI needs to be carefully timed to occur at or a little before the time of ovulation. In some couples, sperm can remain viable in the female reproductive tract and result in the fertilization of an egg for five days (after having sex).
There are very low risks for complications with intrauterine insemination. Bacterial contamination that originated either in the semen sample or through contamination of the sterile catheter in the vagina or cervical area during the procedure, may lead to infection in the uterus or tube. With cautious technique and careful cleaning of the cervix, this can be avoided.
IUI cost in Kerala
IUI is a simple non-invasive, low-tech procedure and the most effective method of artificial Insemination. It can be less expensive than other types of fertility treatments like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). IUI treatment in Kerala is quite affordable, and its cost is determined by the complexity and requirement of the infertile couple. One IUI cycle may cost as low as Rs.5000.
The average IUI cost may fluctuate because it depends on the number of IUI cycles you have to undergo to conceive.
IUI Cost for Specific Procedures
Drugs and medicines – between Rs 2000 to Rs.3000
IUI Procedure – Rs.5000
- Natural cycle IUI treatment – It just requires the injection of washed and concentrated sperm inside the uterus. You are charged for the removal of the semen and collection of best quality sperms from them.
- Clomid or Letrozole with IUI cost – The process begins with your next period. Blood tests and ultrasounds are done to confirm pregnancy. You will be administered oral fertility drugs, if not pregnant. This cycle will add Rs.500 to Rs. 1000 to your IUI cost.
- Gonadotropins with IUI – This treatment is for those women who do not ovulate at all or ovulate irregularly. Ovarian follicle production is initiated by the two Gonadotropin hormones, Luteinizing hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone. They stimulate the ovaries for the production of healthy eggs. When these two hormones are injected, the treatment cost goes up from Rs. 8000 -10000
We at Goodwill IVF Center, have successfully performed a lot of IUI treatments in Malappuram. We have assisted many couples in experiencing the joy of parenting. A visit to Goodwill IVF Center in Malappuram for additional information on your fertility treatment options will be worthwhile. We always work as a team to deliver the happiest moment in your life.
Start your Parenthood Journey with Goodwill IVF
We have highly experienced team of fertility experts, including obstetricians and gynecologists, pediatricians, embryologists, andrologists, ultrasonologists, counselors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals always dedicated to help you.
Goodwill IVF
- A Unit of Neha Hospital, Changuvetty Kundu, Kottakkal, Kerala 676503
- Phone: +91 80897 13201
- Email: goodwillivf@gmail.com